Our Staff

Blake Tan
Editor and Publisher

Blake is a long-time devotee of imaginative fiction, reading an exhaustive list of fantasy, science fiction, and horror. When he first read The Hobbit in third grade, he was immediately sucked in by the vast and detailed world of Middle-earth. Since then, he’s traveled from realm to realm, with books as his gateways, exploring the rich histories of ancient kingdoms, the swirling stardust of deep space, and the profound darkness conjured by the terrors of the mind. Blake is an avid Dungeons & Dragons player, working with his close friends to re-create the adventures of their favorite heroes, as well as a gamer since childhood. He loves finding novel stories with compelling characters and complex plots in a wide variety of media. Blake is an undergraduate student at Ohio University, studying journalism and creative writing. One day, he hopes to find his way to his own Hero’s Journey and vanquish a great evil – but a paying job doing what he loves most would be a grand adventure too.

Emily Estep
Managing Editor

Emily has been a lover of reading since the age of six, when her mother read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone to her. Since then, she has been an avid reader of fantasy and fiction, inspiring a passion for the effective use of the written word. A journalism student at Ohio University, Emily enjoys writing her own work almost as much as she delights in critique the work of others. Her primary interests include most facets of pop culture as well as the differing cultures of the world. Most of Emily’s published work is informative in nature, ranging from hard news to film reviews, including her pilgrimage to the 2013 Sundance Film Festival in Utah. Harry Potter aside, Emily holds Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game at deity status and likes to read the fairy tales, myths and legends of distant lands.

Vincent Marazita
Art Director

A student at the Cleveland Institute of Art (CIA), freelance artist, and visual storyteller. He never really “started” drawing. It’s always been something as natural as breathing. Ever since he could hold a crayon he has been working to visually record characters, worlds, and ideas that come to mind. No easy task. But the satisfaction he gets from giving others the opportunity to see inside his head is like nothing else. He has been involved in animation, illustration, fine art, and most recently, industrial design. All of which, require the ability to sketch from your head. Imagery is a fascinating language that anyone can understand. That’s why they say a picture is worth a thousand words; and he's quite talkative.